Record Planes Dropped From Production During The War

Here is a list of the Record Planes and Spoke Shaves that were listed as “temporarily out of production” during the Second World War, before eventually (in most cases) being dropped altogether from the Record production line. Though these planes continued to be shown as available in catalogues for a time, before finally being omitted, it was really dependent on the available stocks for any given plane.

After the wartime restrictions had ceased a few of the planes (though not the spokeshaves) were reinstated in the product line.

Record Planes and Spoke Shaves out of production from 1943 (but still listed in catalogues until 1952.)


Record No. 02 Smooth Plane

Record No. 077 Bull-Nose Rabbet Plane

Record No. 0100 Block Plane

Record No. 0100-1/2 Model Maker’s Plane

Record No. 0101 Block Plane

Record No. 400-1/2 Scrub Plane

Record No. 1366 Bull-Nose Rabbet Plane


Record No. 052 Spoke Shave

Record No. 052-R Spoke Shave

Record No. 053 Spoke Shave

Record No. 055 Spoke Shave

Record No. 063 Spoke Shave

Record No. 64 Spoke Shave

Record No. 0152 Spoke Shave

Record No. 0152-R Spoke Shave

Record Planes out of production from 1943 (but still listed in catalogues until 1962.)

Record No. 015 Block Plane

Record No. 016 Block Plane

Record No. 017 Block Plane

Record No. 019 Block Plane

Record No. 040 Plough Plane

Record No. 071-1/2 Router Plane

Record No. 072 Improved Shoulder Rabbet Plane

Record No. 074 Improved Shoulder Rabbet Plane

Record No. 0113 Circular Plane

Record No. 0230 Block Plane

Record No. 712 Skew Rabbet Plane

Record No. 713 Skew Rabbet Plane

Record No. 714 Skew Rabbet Plane

Record Planes re-introduced from 1943.

Whilst the following planes were listed as out of production from 1943 they still continued to be shown in catalogues, however they did not appear in any of the price lists until the dates listed below. Their re-introduction into the product line was confirmed when they appeared in Catalogue No. 17 (1963) with updated price lists.

Planes with corrugated bases began making a re-appearance from 1949 onwards, though prices were on application.

Record No. 018 Block Plane (1959 onwards)

Record No. 041 Improved Shoulder Rabbet Plane (1953 onwards)

Record No. 722 Router Plane (1953 onwards)

Record No. 2506 Side Rabbet Plane (1953 onwards)

Record No. 2506S Side Rabbet Plane (1953 onwards)

Record No. T5 Technical Jack Plane (1952 onwards)

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